During a recent rally in Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump made it clear that he is willing to debate President Joe Biden “anytime, anyplace,” keeping an empty microphone stand next to him in case the Democrat ever wished to spar verbally.
“You can see we have an empty podium right here to my right. You know what that is? That’s for Joe Biden,” the former president said at the rally.
“I’m trying to get him to debate,” Trump continued. “I’m calling on ‘Crooked Joe’ to debate anytime, anyplace. We’ll do it any way you want, Joe.”
“Let’s go have a good, solid, friendly debate,” he taunted the Delaware politician with.
The New York business mogul has long called for a debate to take place between him and Biden but the president has met these calls with wishy-washy responses.
In early March, the Commander-in-Chief stated that a showdown wasn’t off the table but “It depends on his behavior.”
A spokesman for the Biden campaign, Michael Tyler, responded to the calls from Trump and claimed that it was a “weak merch play from a guy desperate to avoid talking about how he’s got no cash, no campaign infrastructure, and no answer for how his chaotic, divisive and violent campaign is going to win this November.”
More than likely, the words from Tyler are a projection of the failing Biden campaign that is having to rely on other large names, such as former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, to maintain any hope of a close race in this election.
Frankly, it’d be less shameful if they simply admitted Biden is not fit to debate on a national stage and would only hurt their presidential bid. The honesty would be a first for the long-time politician.