European Parliament Recognizes Taiwan As Independent

The European Parliament has recognized Taiwan as an independent, democratic state in language adopted by the body in two different policy reports.

Both the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defense Policy reports feature language that denies Taiwan as subordinate to China and reaffirms its right to democratically decide its own political future.

Both reports were passed by sizable margins, with vote tallies of 338-86 and 350-91 respectively.

The documents said that neither Taiwan nor China are subordinate to each other and that “only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent the Taiwanese people on the international stage.”

The European Parliament also condemned China’s militarization of the Taiwan Strait as they have continued to saber-rattle in efforts to intimidate the island nation and dissuade it from formally declaring independence.

China’s reaction to the recognition has been predictably sour as they accused the European governmental body of flagrantly disregarding the international consensus. Chinese apologists further cited the policy of there being only one China, in which Taiwan is an inseparable part with Beijing as its “sole legal representative.”

The potential global implications of the recognition are profound. Pressure is now placed on other world powers to follow in suit and recognize Taiwan’s independent status. The United States has long attempted to walk a balanced path by both appeasing the communist nation while simultaneously supporting, trading and arming Taiwan. On paper, the U.S. is even bound by treaty to defend Taiwan should it come under attack by the People’s Republic.

The timing of this event is precarious, as the United States has sent billions in money and equipment to Ukraine and simultaneously drained our own military resources. As a result, it is possible China may see an opening to invade Taiwan and settle the territorial question once and for all.

The island of Taiwan, also known as “Formosa,” is the last stronghold of the Republic of China that fought against the Chinese communists in 1949. When the communists took over, the mainland became the “People’s Republic of China” while the non-communist government was exiled to Taiwan. Before the revolution, the island was part of the Chinese republic and for this reason, communist China still considers it to belong to them.

The people of Taiwan, however, continue to fly the flag of the original Republic of China and although they have not formally declared independence, consider themselves their own nation.