Poll Shows Biden Slipping In Battleground States Against Trump

President Joe Biden appears to be swinging into deep waters as he seeks another term in 2024. Polls show the president slipping in key swing states against former President Donald Trump.

In 2020, the states that were the narrowest in terms of winning percentage for presidential candidates were Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, with Biden defeating Trump in all except North Carolina, as reported by the Daily Caller.

Yet, it appears Biden may not be as successful in those battleground states this time around.

According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump leads Biden in the battleground states. Over 30% of independent voters supported the former president, compared to 30% who backed Biden. Nearly 50% of undecided voters supported Biden, while 38% supported Trump.

The poll shows that Biden and Trump are tied in a hypothetical matchup between the two heading into the 2024 presidential election. Among the concerns were Biden’s age and the state of the economy.

According to 77% of voters surveyed, including 65% of Democrats, Biden is too old to seek reelection. Just 39% believed that the president has the cognitive ability to continue serving. In contrast, 54% of voters said they believed Trump was too old to run for president, while 54% said he was mentally sharp enough to handle the presidency.

Recently, a CNN poll showed that 73% of Americans are concerned about the 80-year-old president’s age. The poll detailed that a record-low 28% of Americans believe that Biden “inspires confidence.”

Biden currently holds a slight lead over Trump in favorability ratings, according to the poll. Nearly 40% of respondents viewed the president as favorable, while 43% viewed Trump as “very unfavorable.”

Nearly 90% of respondents in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said crime would be a large determining factor of who they end up voting for, and 73% of respondents said the economy is as bad or worse now as it was during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden and Trump will likely become the nominees of their respective political parties. According to RealClearPolitics, Trump is leading the Republican Party with 56.6% support, and Biden is leading the Democratic Party with 67.8% support.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll surveyed nearly 4,500 adults in the U.S.