RFK Jr. Campaign Hires Ex-Ramaswamy Staffer For TikTok Influencer Outreach

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign paid nearly $10,000 in March to Total Virality LLC a communications firm led by Zachery Henry a former staffer for Vivek Ramaswamy’s failed 2024 presidential bid according to federal records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The payments were for “Influencer Engagement” suggesting an effort to recruit TikTok influencers likely to sway Republican voters.

Henry who served as deputy director of communications for Ramaswamy’s campaign and briefly as communications director for Arizona venture capitalist Blake Masters’s Senate bid declined to offer specifics about Total Virality’s work for the Kennedy campaign. “I worked with RFK on one project I don’t disclose my influencers and I’m no longer working with Mr. Ramaswamy,” he told the Free Beacon.

Kennedy, a lifelong Democrat, has appealed to some Republicans, particularly with his skepticism of vaccines. An April Quinnipiac poll showed likely Kennedy voters prefer former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden by double digits. Kennedy has said “I take more votes from President Trump than I do from President Biden.”

Left-wing groups including Clear Choice and American Bridge have funded ads and opposition research against Kennedy who has qualified to appear on the ballot in Michigan, California and Utah. Last month members of the Kennedy clan appeared alongside President Biden at a campaign event in Philadelphia signaling the White House’s growing nervousness about RFK Jr.’s candidacy.