New York Moves To Strip Trump Of Gun Rights Following Conviction

In a move that has reignited accusations of political persecution, New York authorities are taking steps to revoke former President Donald Trump’s concealed carry gun permit after his recent felony conviction. The New York Police Department (NYPD) is preparing to conduct an investigation that will “likely lead to revocation of his license,” according to a senior law enforcement official.

Trump, who maintained his concealed carry license throughout his presidency and beyond, had already surrendered two of his three registered firearms to the NYPD when he was initially indicted in March 2023. The remaining gun was reportedly transferred to Florida during that time.

However, following Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts related to falsifying business records, the NYPD’s legal bureau is now poised to initiate proceedings to strip the former president of his gun rights. Under federal law, it is illegal for felons to possess firearms, prompting New York’s actions against Trump’s concealed carry license.

While Trump will have the opportunity to challenge the revocation at a hearing, critics argue that the evident animosity of New York’s Democratic establishment toward the former president may render such an appeal futile. They contend that the state is exploiting Trump’s controversial conviction as a pretext to undermine his Second Amendment rights.

Although Trump’s constant Secret Service protection may diminish the practical necessity of carrying a concealed weapon, the move to revoke his license is seen by many as a politically motivated punishment and a continuation of the alleged persecution he has faced from New York’s legal system.

Supporters of the former president have decried the actions as a vengeful campaign by his political opponents, using the legal system as a tool to target and erode his constitutional rights. As the legal battles continue to unfold, the impending revocation of Trump’s gun permit has ignited a firestorm of controversy and reignited longstanding debates over the impartiality of the judicial process.