Hillary Gives Tips For Communicating With ‘Deplorable’ Relatives

Hillary Clinton continues to struggle with the acceptance of the 2016 presidential election and remains embroiled in controversies surrounding her comments about Trump supporters.

The former Democratic nominee, who previously drew significant attention for referring to them as a “basket of deplorables,” is now offering advice to fellow liberals on engaging with family members during the holidays who may hold opposing political views.

Clinton turned to social media to promote a recent episode of her podcast, where she delved into the challenges of navigating conversations with relatives who do not share political beliefs.

She tweeted, “With holidays & family gatherings coming up, I think this week’s episode of my podcast will resonate with some of you. I spoke with two pros at difficult conversations — @USAmbUN and @bluegrassred — about how we can talk, heart to heart, with people we may not see eye to eye with.”

The episode she shared primarily revolved around discussions related to the 2016 election, a topic that continues to be a point of contention. In a more recent interview with CNN, Clinton made headlines once again when she suggested a formal “deprogramming” for individuals she labeled as “cult members.”

She expressed concern about the influence of former President Donald Trump on his supporters, adding that he had lost credibility in her eyes. Not surprisingly, Clinton’s advice and her past comments have not been universally well-received, particularly on social media. Users took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to voice their skepticism and criticisms.

User @KeithBurgin tweeted, “How to gaslight and manipulate loved ones at holiday gatherings.” Meanwhile, @AvgJoeMillion made a more pointed comment, asking, “What family gathering was on Epstein’s island?”

Encouraging constructive dialogue instead of blatant manipulation between relatives would go much further in a climate already marred by deep political divides. Clinton’s advice is concerning for its potential to foster further tension against those who hold differing political perspectives and does nothing to help solve the nation’s many issues.